książki historyczne
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British Railway Disasters

British Railway Disasters

Jones R. Gresley Books
Rok wydania: 2023
ISBN: 978-1-911658-01-6

Oprawa: twarda
Ilość stron: 132
Wymiary: 170 x 245

Dostępność: Na półce

30.00 zł

Publikacja w języku angielskim
tematem książki są katastrofy kolejowe w Wielkiej Brytanii i ich wpływ na ulepszenie infrastruktury kolejowej.

This is the story of how Britain’s railway disasters, horrific though they may be, change the network for the better through the crucial lessons that are learned.

It starts with fatalities on early mining tramways before the dawn of the steam age and takes the story up to the present day. While many of Britain’s worst tragedies are covered in depth, such as Quintinshill in 1915 and Harrow & Wealdstone in 1952, the book also looks at others that had resounding consequences for safety.

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